сряда, 1 юни 2011 г.

Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Teammates : Aggie http://agerhardt7design200.blogspot.com/
                    Asumi http://mia105.blogspot.com/
                    Avi http://avistad.tumblr.com/
                    Crystal http://crystalscornerblog.blogspot.com/
In the beginning of the project we tried to came up with something that is multifunctional and will be really useful. We were focusing on a product that will got the customer's eye and will be purchased. There were several ideas before the hammock-table. We focused on a night stand that may carry items for camping and could be used as a bag. Also, we got the idea for multifunctional table that could be easily moved and eventually transformed as a bed. Finally, Avi came up with the idea about the hammock-table which we all liked and decided to present.
I got the part with the table's logo. We decided to put these recycling arrows because of the table's material. The table will be constructed from recycling materials.I chose the M letter that refer to the Bulgarian Masa - table.
I feel like I could do more about the product but when I saw the presentation I thought that it's perfect. I am glad that I worked with such a good team.

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