сряда, 1 юни 2011 г.

Reading Reflection 05

I enjoyed being in this group. It was wonderful experience for me to participate in developing this product. Unfortunately I couldn't see the rest of the presentations but I was really glad that I helped with something for the project. It was a great time designing logos and thinking about different solutions of this big problem. Nevertheless, during the classes I saw some ideas and I am sure that the others did perfectly. It was a great honor for me to participate in this project.

Reading Reflection 04

This reading was really interesting. It is amazing to realize how design is not only drawing but solving problems and thinking about how it is going to be accepted. It is nice to read how all the aspects are around ecology. Furthermore, I liked that nevertheless computers are taking control of everything , drawing is still very important factor that everybody value it highly.
I was thinking about many majors and I didn't know what will be most appropriate for me. After I took this class and I read that book I am 100% sure that these are the problems I want to solve in future.

Final Thoughts on the Course

It is my first year here in OSU and I feel like this class is the best class that I had. I really enjoyed all the lectures and presentations. Honestly, I think that all the journals were really fun and also giving me the opportunity to improve my design view of the things. I think that the reading were the hardest thing. I guess this is because I don't speak English well and it was hard for me to understand everything. I am glad that Gabe was our instructor because he is really cool. I am happy that I participate in this class.

Coleman Project - Personal Documentation

Teammates : Aggie http://agerhardt7design200.blogspot.com/
                    Asumi http://mia105.blogspot.com/
                    Avi http://avistad.tumblr.com/
                    Crystal http://crystalscornerblog.blogspot.com/
In the beginning of the project we tried to came up with something that is multifunctional and will be really useful. We were focusing on a product that will got the customer's eye and will be purchased. There were several ideas before the hammock-table. We focused on a night stand that may carry items for camping and could be used as a bag. Also, we got the idea for multifunctional table that could be easily moved and eventually transformed as a bed. Finally, Avi came up with the idea about the hammock-table which we all liked and decided to present.
I got the part with the table's logo. We decided to put these recycling arrows because of the table's material. The table will be constructed from recycling materials.I chose the M letter that refer to the Bulgarian Masa - table.
I feel like I could do more about the product but when I saw the presentation I thought that it's perfect. I am glad that I worked with such a good team.

понеделник, 23 май 2011 г.

Journal 08: Media Reviews

I pick Design & Accessibility for my topic. I picked this one because it was really interesting to me how this issue is being solved here in United States. For me as an international student this was not even a problem and I did not think of it as a problem. Later I realized that it is so because of the place where I live. There are so many other problems that the government does not care about such a things and I have never thought how important is this for a well designed country. I picked up some sources which can describe this better.
http://www.nea.gov/resources/accessibility/pubs/DesignAccessibility.html I have never thought that there will be a handout for managing  with the law requirements regarding the accessibility. I guess we have the same law but nobody is doing anything about solving this issue. This book is created to help managing the problem easier.
http://www.accessibilitydesign.com/aboutus.html This is the web site of a company which deals with building and designing access for people with disabilities. I have never thought that there are companies managing this issue.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY6PhtCLrTg It is so amazing how these people are designing a new way, way which is easier for understanding from people with disabilities for learning. I think that this is really rare in my country and it will be great if it happens more often.

http://www.ap.buffalo.edu/idea/ This is the web site of a company that deals with a lot of daily used things in order to make them accessible for people with disabilities.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBjvNYmUdjs&NR=1&feature=fvwp This is a link to a video describing more about the American Act for people with disabilities. It is amazing how good and detailed is this law.

Course Reflection

The past weeks we have been working on our projects for Coleman. It was a great experience to participate in such a project. All of it was fun and I felt like this is my favourite project thus far. We separated in groups and started designing a new project which will make the home life easier. We were thinking about something multifunctional and we came up with the idea of a table which can transform into a hammock. It was a great pleasure for me to participate and help design. I am a little bit upset because of the fact I cannot help my group present the project but I am sure that they will do it perfectly.

събота, 14 май 2011 г.

Reading Reflection 3

This reading was really interesting for me. All the issues with the recycling and the problem with the environment is really serious. The things as lowering the level of usage of things that are not needed is really important for solving this problem. It is amazing how there are so many innovative ideas that can change the future and save the planet but nobody is trying to change because it costs more efforts. It is sad that here in America people are trying to do something about it but for example the people in my country are so far away from the idea of saving the environment. Probably only the biggest companies are warned to use safety packaging and ways for preserving their products. Recently I saw a movie that discuses the topic about better evolution for the human kind but it is sad how the biggest companies would not want to take that step because they would lose a lot of control and more importantly money. With the time people are learning from their mistakes but it is really important to be careful not to make fatal mistakes. There is always a way to save products and the environment but the problem is when the people are going to make that change and understand that this it the most important thing for our future.