събота, 14 май 2011 г.

Reading Reflection 3

This reading was really interesting for me. All the issues with the recycling and the problem with the environment is really serious. The things as lowering the level of usage of things that are not needed is really important for solving this problem. It is amazing how there are so many innovative ideas that can change the future and save the planet but nobody is trying to change because it costs more efforts. It is sad that here in America people are trying to do something about it but for example the people in my country are so far away from the idea of saving the environment. Probably only the biggest companies are warned to use safety packaging and ways for preserving their products. Recently I saw a movie that discuses the topic about better evolution for the human kind but it is sad how the biggest companies would not want to take that step because they would lose a lot of control and more importantly money. With the time people are learning from their mistakes but it is really important to be careful not to make fatal mistakes. There is always a way to save products and the environment but the problem is when the people are going to make that change and understand that this it the most important thing for our future.

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