неделя, 24 април 2011 г.

Course Reflection

Lecture 5 was my first lecture. I was worried that I missed a lot and I will have huge difficulties. However, Mr.Tippery showed me that everything is fine. He showed me what I've missed and helped me understand everything. Furthermore, the first video that I saw was amazing. I have never thought that design could be so interesting. The video was about this company that had to design the new shop cart. It was so amazing how they split and came out with so different ideas, combining the needs and the nice look. After the class I felt like this is the job that I want to work.
I was so excited about the next class. We talked about the accessibility and I read some interesting statistics. I saw some examples of what my major does. After this week I really liked being part of this class. On Monday we did the scavenger hunt, but more about it is posted in my blog. I found it exciting. The opportunity to "hunt" for design is amazing. I really like that we were not just sitting in the lecture room but exploring. The lecture on Wednesday was interesting too. I have never thought that I am so interested in the environment and I didn't know that designers are helping to protect it. I have seen some TED videos before, but the creating of the bottle that filters the water is great. I found this as most interesting video of all others. Overall, I think that these two weeks were amazing. I have never had this type of class and I find it really cool. 

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