неделя, 17 април 2011 г.

Reading Reflection 01

From what I read I understood the basics of the design and what exactly is design. It was really interesting for me to find out how the design changed the entire world. It is really surprising to see that everything around you is made and designed by someone else.
I like the second chapter where the author is explaining about the historical evolution of design. It is amazing that the human kind is designing tools that should maximize the efficiency of the hand. It is amazing that our hands can do so many things. When I read that part I realized that our hands are not designed but still they are the perfect tool.I like how the author is thinking about the design. This thought really makes me think in different way :"objects are not just expressions of a solution to a particular problem at any point in time, but can extend much further,into embodying ideas about how life can be lived in a dynamic process of innovation and refinement beyond the constraints of time and place."
Also, it is amazing how designers are improving old things in order to make them better. For example the technologies are getting smaller but more efficient. From old big laptops with ugly shape, we have tiny powerful laptops with cool form and look.
I think that this book is really good source of knowledge.I didn't know that A very short introduction is a series of interesting topics for which you can find an explanation and details.Furthermore,I like the design of the book. It has nice paper and look.

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